Added the p-y formulation for Modified Stiff Clay w/o Free Water (similar to existing model
that is available in LPILE and GROUP).
This criteria allows for the entry of user-specified k as initial stiffnes in
layers of Stiff Clay without Free Water. This crtieria may better represent the response of
these clays under small lateral deflections.
The 'Data > Wall Properties' menu now allows for the entry of any user-specified distributed
uniform lateral load/pressure that may be acting along the height of the wall.
Users are provided with additional controls for the response of continuous walls
(either secant or tangent walls). Soldier-pile walls that are spaced very closely may
behave like continuous walls due to the arching effect of the retained soils. The new
Options > Controls for Continuous Walls allow users to evaluate either condition.
Models with Anchored Walls (either FHWA or Terzaghi & Peck) are provided with additional
control options (
Options > Options for Anchored Walls) for the computation of equivalent trapezoidal
active earth pressures.
EnCPT Import. Ability to open data files with complete soil layering
and properties defined by the separate EnCPT program. The
EnCPT software allows geotechnical consultants to offer
to their clients new services for detailed interpretation of their CPT tests into various
layering and soil properties that can be used quickly and customized in PYWALL v2025 models.
New display of wall/model geometry when opening existing models, with added
functionality to double click on any element (soil, wall, tieback/strut, cross
section, etc.) to display its associated data entry.
Improved convergence for models with clay layers that may exhibit divergence behavior.
Improved solution (moment, shear) for models with specified slope along wall.
Users can also create their own
Cutom Database of Sheet Piles which can be shared and expanded
within a company for the use of all engineers when needed.
Custom shapes can be selected by the users for any wall model
within the company.
Added the option to define models with one or more levels of
Struts/Rakers that may be incorporated along a wall model.
Models with continuous walls and tiebacks or struts/rakers can now specify
Wales located within each level of tiebacks or struts/rakers
(either continuous or simply supported). Users can see wale demands in
graphic plots or plots superimposed on a
three-dimensional view representating the model.
The PYWALL program can now estimate Trapezoidal loads based on the
Terzaghi and Peck criteria for mixed soil profile in anchored walls.
Added an enhancement to applicable soil types, so PYWALL can estimate internally
the values of certain soil parameters (
Epsilon-50 and/or K(py)).
New and enhanced v2022 of the Technical Manual is now distributed in standard PDF file format.
All changes to any output plot/graphics (titles, legends, etc) done by
the user are now associated and saved with the PYWALL model and remain available when
re-opening the same file.
Other minor changes were made throughout the program interface to improve
data input and output displays.